S.P.A.L. Foundation
The Foundation was born in December 2022 as a result of S.P.A.L.’s desire to strengthen its commitment towards the territory and the community through the spreading of the positive values of sports and projects of social utility.
We firmly believe that soccer can create value not only on-field but also off-field. For this reason we want to give back what we have received for more than 110 years, unconditional support. We especially want to sustain youngsters and people who find themselves in difficult situations, conveying the values of soccer that focuses on the human being even before the game.
The Foundation in its institutional role aims to represent S.P.A.L. with the goal of carrying out projects with social, sport and cultural utility that may help people and favor the inclusion of those kids that face severe psychophysical, economic, social and domestic difficulties so that none of them are deprived of the opportunity to develop their talents and to think big in order to fulfill their dreams.